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European Union Bringing Peace To Europe Free Essays

The wars bore the advanced countries of Europe, for example, England, France, Germany, Russia, and Italy. A short time later, they built up ...

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Providing school guidance with children that are being bullied Research Paper

Providing school guidance with children that are being bullied - Research Paper Example ng through email, instant messaging, in a chat room, on a website or gaming site, or through digital messages or images sent to a cellular phone† (Kowalski, Limber, & Agatston 2007, as cited in Tippett, Thompson, & Smith, n.d., p.1). The pervasive and insidious character of cyber bullying enabling it to penetrate even the sanctuary of homes has increasingly worried parents as they know that the technology to which their children are largely exposed to is the same technology that cyber bullies anonymously manipulate to harm others (Mclaughlin, 2008, par.3). Statistical data on the extent of bullying vary. â€Å"However, the general consensus is that one out of three children are bullied at school, in the neighborhood, or online and that one out of three children bully others† (American Association of School Administrators, 2009, p.7). â€Å"Surveys indicate that as many as half of all children are bullied at some time during their school years, and at least 10% are bullied on a regular basis† (American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 2008, par.1). International studies revealed that, â€Å"bullying is common and affects anywhere from 9% to 54% of children† (Yale University 2008, par.6). â€Å"Nearly three in four teenagers say they were bullied online at least once during a recent 12-mont period† (University of California, 2008, par. 1). Californian researchers’ new study discovered that almost 90% of third graders to sixth graders experienced being bullied, while 56% admitted being bullies themselves (Harding, 2007, par. 1). Much had been documented about the effects of bullying. â€Å"An estimated 160,000 children miss school everyday out of fear of attack or intimidation by other students† (â€Å"Watch for warning signs,† 2006, par. 1). â€Å"Children who are bullied suffer more greatly from anxiety, depression, loneliness, and post-traumatic stress than do other children, and they have a heightened risk of suicide (Marini, Dane, Bosacki, & YLC-CURA 2006,

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Social Responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Social Responsibility - Essay Example When Smith says, he has â€Å"never known much good done by those who affected to trade for the public good† and calls it an â€Å"affectation [indeed] not very common among merchants† (159), he may be referring to businesspeople who do good so much that they run their businesses to the ground. An example is a baker giving away too much free bread that he becomes bankrupt. Merchants do not want to go bankrupt because they do not want to trade for the public good more than they want to make profits. In addition, Smith does not necessarily say that companies should ignore the greater good in making profits. He emphasizes the importance of trading in making profits, but he does not promote unethical or illegal practices because if the public know about it or if the government catches them, then they will have bad publicity or the government might close their business. My definition of social responsibility is responsibility for shareholders, employees, consumers, communities where businesses operate, and the environment. This does not fit into Friedman’s definition to some extent. My social responsibility definition agrees with Friedman that social responsibility promotes the goal of increasing profits. Staying within the rules of the game can also be aligned with being responsible for employees, consumers, communities where businesses operate, and the environment because laws also protect them in varying degrees. However, how about in communities or countries where fairness and environmental laws are weak or lacking? My definition of social responsibility is proactive in doing what is right for all stakeholders with or without these laws. I believe that businesses have a social responsibility to their fellow man because I agree with Kant that people have duties to do what can be universalized and doing my definition of social responsibili ty is something that can be